Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I started a new post yesterday about mean girls and bullies, but trying to get through it zapped every ounce of creativity I had, and I could not finish to save my life. It can really be boiled down to the following: Ladies, (especially those who tout theology and are Jesus followers) knock it off. Stop being unkind, mind your pie-hole, and remember that everything you say and do are being held under a microscope as an example of how Christian women behave. You never know how something that you don't think twice about saying or doing has impacted a non-believer, and often in a way you would be devastated to learn. End rant. I'll probably finish the initial post someday, but not today.

Today, I want lighthearted sweetness. I want something that can make me smile, maybe even laugh out loud. I want to feel anything but the overwhelming heaviness that often accompanies days like today, when it's icy cold and dreary outside.

On days like this, I can typically turn to one of my kazillion children for some type of amusement, because let's face it. They are a funny bunch. For instance, yesterday was our first day back to school from winter break for my precious kindergartener. He and his baby sister were in front of the TV before we left, telling each other how much they would miss one another while he was gone. Seriously. Holding hands and the whole nine. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I recalled the night before, when she took one of his toys which caused him to pop her in the back of the head and then call her a bully. I was reliving the tears streaming down her face..."Mommy, Cwosby called me a bu-wee." Insert racking sob here.

It had taken me 5 full minutes to figure out she said bully. At first, I thought he called her a boy. Big deal. I kept telling her that we all were well aware of the fact that she is ALL girl, all the time. Not to worry. This inspired deep sighs and eye rolls from my precious little princess. Her own mother can't understand English. The drama she is forced to endure because of inept parenting is too much for her.

On the ride to school, Kindergartener tells me "if you and Daddy miss me too much while I'm at school, just go into my room, and you'll remember me." Thanks, bud. I'll keep that in mind. I didn't tell him that I had every intention of doing some sort of jig when I got home. We'd been trapped in a house for 5 straight days at that point. Love ya, see ya, wouldn't want to be ya... peace out. That's not to say that I didn't have a sense of excitement picking him up and hearing about his day, but I did manage to suffer through.

Tonight, while I was preparing dinner for (let's be honest) the first time in a while... I noticed that my 16 year old had used his finger to write 'poop' on the microwave. Of course, it doesn't show up until the steam rises from the oven, so I have no idea how long it's been there. Classy.

Earlier this afternoon, after changing into pajamas for nap (yes, she has to have on pjs for nap, it is cause for annoyance, but a battle I've been giving up to maintain my sanity), my almost three year old was doing this jumping squat maneuver that I can not adequately put into words. When I furrowed my brow at her and asked what in the world she was doing, she said, "I'm getting all the pee out."


"Oh, mommy. I didn't pee in my pants," she scoffed.

What does that even mean? She didn't have any sort of I mean... huh?

These things are what I shall focus on tonight. Kids being little weirdos that I so love. Making dinner for my family, even if the word 'poop' was on my microwave. 5 year olds telling jokes that make you want to slam your head into a door. The fact that every time I read The Hungry Caterpillar to my 2 year old and get to the part where "He wasn't a little caterpillar anymore. He was a big, fat caterpillar." she feels it necessary to say, "That's you, Mommy." Makes me want to "accidentally" knock her out of her bed. The giant brown eyes that look like chocolate pools when either one of my youngest two bat their long eyelashes and try to appear innocent.

I will not focus on the meanness, the cold, or the yuck that is on the news every day of the week. I will not focus on the fact that the two year old is literally digging her head into my hip as I try to finish this up, because I have exhausted her ability to be ignored. Just the light, the love that is in my household, and the friends that I've chatted with throughout my day. For now, that is just what I need.

1 comment:

  1. I love your wonderful, crazy kiddos!

    I am actually writing about the Mean Girl phenomena right now. Great minds!
