Palm Sunday started with a light snow this year, which considering it was in the seventies a few days ago, would have been shocking, had I not lived in the MidWest my entire life. Kansas likes to keep you guessing. "It's part of our charm," she said facetiously as her eyes rolled to the top of her head.
I'm not sure if my memory is failing, (which is possible, because Hello Peri-Menopause! Nice to meet you, ya schmuck.), or if the emphasis on the Triumphal Entry wasn't as prominent in the churches I grew up in. It is just as likely that they didn't spend a ton of time explaining the details in a way that the kids understood the relevance.
Blessed with a church that places a lot of significance on the entire Holy Week leading up to Easter; our children consistently have lessons and hands-on activities regarding everything that led up to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. On the Wednesday before Easter, they have a "Walk Through the Bible" event that starts with waving palm branches and shouting Hosannah in our little 'Jerusalem' and then moves into having their feet washed by our very gracious and humble servant leaders. It includes an example of the Last Supper, a Prayer Garden representing the Garden of Gethsemane, and ends with the reading of the Easter story and an explanation of the Resurrection. On Maundy Thursday, we have a self-guided silent communion service. Friday, we have a Tenebrae service (which for a girl who grew up in a small, old-fashioned, we ain't kiddin' around, we're Southern Baptists church is UNHEARD of) that is one of the most meaningful and touching services I've ever experienced. Lastly, the week culminates with the celebration that He is Risen; He is Risen Indeed.
My point being, my littles seem to know much more information than I did at their age. They're probably just smarter than me, so there's that.
Last week, as we prepped for Palm Sunday, my youngest came home with her construction paper palm branch that she made "just for me." She was explaining to her daddy and her big brother all about Jesus riding a borrowed donkey through the streets of Jerusalem. She bowed low at the waist, waved her branch, and with a very sincere little voice, shouted, "Han Solo, Han Solo!"
As we questioned if she meant "Hosannah," she dismissed us with a wave of her small hand, and a "yeah, yeah."
We returned home from church this afternoon (complete with a purple clothes-pin donkey, again made 'just for me' and actual palm branches) and set to work on our Resurrection Garden. I located this amazing thing on Pinterest. Check it out.
Today was the day to plant the grass seed. We will likely have an abundance of new grass now growing beneath our deck, because child-sized hands, a giant bag of grass seed, and a plant saucer may be asking for too much coordination out of a four and six-year-old. I am excited to see the grass start to grow. We need to go searching for our large rock that will be in front of the tomb. Monkey already picked out six sticks that we will form into the three crosses on Good Friday. I like that this is a full week and a half to two-week project that has separate lessons. It reiterates the main points. I love that my babies know and understand what I failed to grasp until I was older.
May each of you enjoy the rest of your Holy Week. If you're looking for a great place to worship, I may know a place. *wink, wink*
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