You wanna know what happens when you have a billion things that you'd like to write about, and your internet goes out for 6 days? Everything. That's what. More things than you can shake a stick at.
Maybe you have to spend 5+ hours talking to people at your ISP who were incapable of assisting you. In fairness, that was the first 3 1/2 hours. The last hour and 45 minutes were with a gentleman who didn't make me threaten to drive to his office and snap him like a twig. Shane 'I'm not the supervisor you asked for 10 times, but I'm a genius and can handle any problem you can have' needs to watch his back, however.
Maybe you have an almost threenager who refuses to stay in her own bed for the duration of the night. Maybe she will randomly appear anywhere from 2:30 am to 6 am and insist that she needs you. Perhaps she will go back to her own bed if you carry her there like a baby, sing two songs of her choice, kiss her, hug her, hug her again with a squeeeeeeeze, throw each other imaginary presents that she pretend puts down her shirt, and make sure she has Delilah. No, not Delilah, Cocoa. No, not Cocoa, Rosie. No, not Rosie, but Delilah AND Cocoa. Rosie needs to go back to her cradle. No, she can't just lay down on the floor. No, she can't be placed gently on the dresser. The cradle. The cradle. The cradle. Make sure that Cocoa and Delilah are covered up with the blankets and on the pillows, especially so that in an hour or less, they can be abandoned when said threenager shows up in your bed again.
Maybe your 5 year old son surreptitiously advises you that his daddy was married to someone else before you... in case you didn't know. Maybe when you inform him that you, too, had been married before Daddy, he will gasp and shake his head in complete disgust. He may potentially then point out that if Daddy goes to heaven to be with Jesus, that you will be a widow. But not a black widow. Because they're spiders.
Perchance your sweet husband, who has dealt with a severe spinal cord injury for almost two years, will trip over a rug in the basement and face-plant hard enough to have a golf ball sized knot on his forehead and develop numbness and tingling in his arm. To be safe, you may take your man to the emergency room and get him a CT scan which will lead to the discovery of a broken vertebrae one vertebrae down from his original injury, and a broken nose. Maybe.
It's also possible that while you're in the ER, you run into the nurse who pretty much saved your life during a miscarriage 4 and a half years ago. You could recognize him right away as the man who helped get you out of the car when you stupidly drove yourself into the ambulance bay as you lost over half your body's blood volume. You could spend a significant period of time thanking him for the care he gave you, all the while getting a level of comfort and closure you didn't know you still needed.
Maybe when you're taking your kid to school and internally raging at the fact that you are once again late, late, late getting out of the house, you come upon a truly awful wreck at the intersection that you would have likely been going through at the time of the accident if you hadn't been a little tardy.
Maybe when you sit down at your laptop, finally able to access the internet and write, you'll recognize that in the midst of chaos, God can still offer you peace. Maybe you'll grasp that your story is more than turmoil. Maybe you'll know that God has a that isn't on your schedule, that isn't the way you may do it (thank heavens), that has divine orchestration and is what is ultimately going to bring Him glory no matter what you do to try and screw it up. Maybe you were late so you weren't hurt in an accident. Maybe your husband was hurt so you could get in touch with someone who will end up helping with issues he's struggled with in his recovery. Maybe you were at that ER at that time, so you could heal a little part of you that still was scabbed over. Maybe when you thanked that nurse, he needed it more than you did. Maybe. Maybe you'll never know. Maybe you don't need to, as long as you gain some insight, or get a reminder of the great God that you serve.
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